VCS and Pedestrian Mobility Switzerland

Banner for painting

CHF 23.00

Format: 120x80cm

Can be ordered free of charge by the police or schools with a voucher code.

The banner can be designed in collaboration with schoolchildren on the topic of “the way to school” and hung alongside the campaign banner, ideally with marker pens, spray paint or acrylic paint pens. A coating can be applied to the banner to make it last longer.

35 in stock


Banner for painting

Format: 120x80cm

Can be ordered free of charge by the police or schools with a voucher code.

The banner can be designed in collaboration with schoolchildren on the topic of “the way to school” and hung alongside the campaign banner, ideally with marker pens, spray paint or acrylic paint pens. A coating can be applied to the banner to make it last longer.

35 in stock

CHF 23.00

VCS und Fussverkehr Schweiz

VCS und Fussverkehr Schweiz